30 July 2018

The future of Marcus Oldham is coming… with the doors to the new Learning Centre expected to open in time for the 2020 year, the College grounds are alive with activity as this five-year planning project comes to realization.

With the ability to grow, improve on our educational capabilities, introduce new technologies and remain competitive with our neighbouring universities by providing superior learning facilities, the future of the College looks brighter and more exciting than ever.

The $10 million project would not be possible without the initial support received from pastoralist and philanthropist Philip Myer and his family. Through the provision of Murradoc Farm in Drysdale, necessary funds were received to seed what will arguably be, the most important development in Marcus Oldham College’s history.

Backed by the support of our progressive College Council, additional funds were contributed to ensure the first $5 million had been secured; a firm commitment for the project to proceed.

With a $5 million challenge ahead, the College Foundation launched the “We need great minds” Learning Centre campaign in July of last year.  Over the past 12 months, the Foundation has been successful in securing almost $1.5 million in donations and pledges – a testament to all who believe in what we do.

Our sincere gratitude must go to a number of organisations and individuals who have given generously by supporting particular spaces within the Learning Centre building. Special thanks to The Scobie and Claire Mackinnon Trust (Amphitheatre), The Anthony Costa Foundation (Academic Meeting Room) and The Yulgilbar Foundation (Reading Room). The history of the College will forever be stamped in the Learning Centre with the additional support from the Beggs Family (Boardroom) and the Baillieu Family (Classroom A1); both families providing long-standing Chairmen to the Foundation and College Council.

The Myer Foundation, The Chasam Foundation, The Geoff and Helen Hanbury Foundation, The Thyne Reid Foundation, Suncorp Bank and a number of private donations have also contributed very generously to ensure this project is a success.

With a further $3.5 million needed to complete this project, now is the time to remind you that we are still in need of your help. Marcus Oldham has a DGR1 status, which means that all donations received are tax deductible.  There is a range of ways in which you can support this project, no donation is too small… or too large!

On behalf of the College Foundation and College Council, thank you to all who have supported this project so far.

For further information regarding the project or your giving options, please contact Alannah Halloran, Foundation Manager on 03 5247 2919 or halloran@marcusoldham.vic.edu.au