Express your interest in attending the 2024 Careers Expo

Thank you for expressing interest in the 2024 Careers Expo at Marcus Oldham College.

As a valued part of our professional network, we are inviting a select number of employers to express their interest in attending our graduate careers’ afternoon on Wednesday, 29th May 2024. This has been a hugely successful event in the last few years and resulted in a number of job offers being made.

Number of Students

Marcus Oldham will have approximately 70 Bachelor of Business (Agribusiness) and (Agriculture) students graduating at the end of this year.

The College is hoping to connect our 2024 graduates with potential employment opportunities and to build their own professional network.

In addition, our First Year students are seeking to building their exposure to potential employers as well as identify opportunities to undertake their professional placements.

Number of Booths

This event will provide employers an opportunity to meet and mingle with all our onsite students and promote any future employment opportunities for 2025 or beyond.

Given the relatively small size of our student cohort, we will be putting a cap on the number of employers to be offered a booth/stand.  While we will do our best to accommodate all interested employers, should we receive more expressions of interest than we can host, preference will be given to employers with existing relationships with the College (i.e. scholarships/sponsorships), student industry preferences and/or the range of employment opportunities on offer. It is a clear focus that  the College ensures a variety of Ag Industries are represented that align with our educational focus.

EOI Process

At this time, we are seeking Expressions of Interest to be involved in this event. Once indicated, the College will confirm and coordinate your attendance.

Further information will be provided regarding the event at that time (Mid-April 2023)

If you and your organisation would like to confirm your interest in attending the 2024 Careers Expo on the 29th May 2024, please fill in the form below.