Fees & Finance

Marcus Oldham is continually seeking financial support for students via scholarships and bursaries. Students who can demonstrate need may receive assistance with finances, either through the College or from other sources.

Bursaries are made available by the College and individual payment plans of fees may be arranged in certain circumstances.

There may also be financial assistance from outside sources for students who meet specific requirements. Any student interested in financial assistance is invited to discuss the matter with Tony McMeel, Deputy Principal at any time – direct line (03) 5247 2903.

For further assistance, please also contact:
Centrelink – centrelink.gov.au
Study Assist – studyassist.gov.au

FEE-HELP Eligible students can apply for financial assistance under the Australian Government FEE-HELP program.FEE-HELP is a loan scheme which assists students to pay their tuition fees. FEE-HELP can cover all or part of the student’s tuition fees, up to a lifetime limit set annually by the Government and which is indexed. A loan fee of 25 per cent applies to FEE-HELP loans for undergraduate courses of study. The FEE-HELP limit does not include the loan fee, or any amount of increased HELP debt incurred by the student due to indexation. No loan fee is applicable to postgraduate courses.

The Australian Government pays the student’s tuition fee to the higher education provider on behalf of the student, and students begin to repay their FEE-HELP debt to the Australian Government once their income reaches a prescribed threshold.

The “Financial Cost per unit and workload” document in the FEES tab above, outlines the cost of individual units and workload. For more information visit the studyassist.gov.au website.

Allowances Students who are studying at Marcus Oldham are eligible to apply for either the Youth Allowance (under 25) or Austudy (over 25).There are many ways to be eligible for Youth Allowance and Austudy. Further information is available online centrelink.gov.au or from your local Centrelink office.

Residential Marcus Oldham students may also qualify for rent assistance – details are available from the links below. In addition, students are eligible to receive Spouse Allowance etc., where applicable.

HECS Please note that as full fee paying students, Marcus Oldham students are EXEMPT from paying the Higher Education Contribution Charge.
Scholarships Marcus Oldham offers a number of scholarships which are industry sponsored and awarded on an application and interview selection process. Bursary assistance may be available for students who demonstrate genuine financial need.
Marcus Oldham College, as with all Higher Education Providers in Australia, are legally obliged to provide a standard statement of Tuition Assurance.