30 March 2023

The Farm Management cohort of 1973 gathered at the College over the Victorian Labour Day long weekend in March to celebrate 50 years since graduation. Organisers, Graeme Burnham, Martin Wettenhall, Crichton Collins and Tom Dennis all DipFM’73 mustered 18 past students from the year. They enjoyed drinks and dinner Saturday night at the Ivo Dean Centre, hosted by Catering and Accommodation Manager, Lyn Cameron, and her team, then met on Sunday afternoon for a BBQ and campus tour guided by Associate Lecturer in Equine Management, Roberta MacLeod.

Ken Bailey DipFM’73 said, “The idea of having it at the college was brilliant, I had no idea how advanced it had become. It is a real credit to the council members over the years who constructed and implemented state of the art facilities and technologies without losing the original educational intent. Just awesome stuff.”

Graeme said, “The state of the college grounds and buildings are an absolute credit to the staff and everyone who is involved. The old farts from ‘73 felt very proud and thankful to have been part of the legacy that has grown to be the first-class institution it is today. I got a lot of thanks for what I really did not have to do, as it was all done by the College. They made it very easy for me after we sorted out who was who and where they were. All we have to do now is make it to the 60th reunion, so we can admire the progress that we know will happen in that time.”

The College is very happy to host reunions and the 50th reunion weekend shows the importance of letting the College know how best we can contact you. Please update your details by clicking  here or to arrange your reunion contact Ebaney Espinoza on 03) 5247 2901 or espinoza@marcusoldham.vic.edu.au

Front row L to R
Steve Merriman, Steve Sullivan, Martin Wettenhall, Ken Bailey, David Gorman, Charles Rees
Back row L to R
Pat Dawkins, Tom Dennis, Ian Crombie, Chris Seeley, Graeme Burnham, Alex Wooldridge, Chrichton Collins, Russell Keath, Rod Thompson, Warwick Fisher, David Fearon, Ian Jackson.