10 June 2020

The Marcus Oldham College Old Students Association (MOCOSA) is proud to present a new and exciting way for ALL graduates of Marcus Oldham the opportunity to connect with each other.

MARCUS CONNECT is a completely secure and exclusive communications platform that has been developed by the College to facilitate graduate networking, mentoring and support at both a professional and social level.

The platform boasts many great features, including; a networking section where graduates can catch up with old friends or discover new ones based on their course, year group, industry or geographical location;  a job board allowing graduates to post and search on industry positions currently available; a Mentoring feature that enables graduates to offer professional support as well as obtain it, and an extension to ‘Call a Marcus Mate’ where graduates can flag when assistance is required or when it can be provided, particularly during those challenging times such as drought, flood and fire.  General engagement stories, reunion notices, communication groups, photo album and an evolving news feed are also exciting features in this platform.

“We are very excited about Marcus Connect and the potential benefits it can provide to Marcus graduates all over the world. We hope that old students get value from the platform and are able to reconnect and network with fellow graduates across our ‘almost’ 60 year history .” Peter Stephens (President, MOCOSA).

We encourage every graduate to sign up and actively invite fellow graduates into the platform through the links provided.  To register for Marcus Connect go to: https://marcusconnect.com/