"*" indicates required fields
Sunday 27th April to Friday 2nd May 2025
Sunday 31st August to Friday 5th September 2025
Please provide details of the business, industry organisation, Government funding program or scholarship which will fund your participation, either partially or fully, to enable invoices to be raised to the correct entity.
If you have any dietary, learning, physical mobility or other individual requirements that we may be able to assist you with, please let us know.
The program includes your meals and on-site accommodation at the college in student accommodation during the trimester breaks. Please note that the college operates with minimal staff during this time period. If you require accommodation outside of the program dates and times, kindly contact leadership@marcusoldham.vic.edu.au for assistance once your place has been confirmed.
Private Bag 116, Geelong Mail Centre, Victoria, 3211, Australia
BSB 013-523
Account: 2538 603 16
Account Name: Marcus Oldham College