08 September 2021

The  Marcus Oldham College Council are pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Baker as the sixth Principal of Marcus Oldham College starting 1 January 2022.

Andrew takes over from Dr Simon Livingstone who is retiring at the end of this year after twenty-four years working for the College of which nineteen of those years were as Principal.

Many of you will know Andrew; he is currently the Director of both the Agriculture and Agribusiness courses and is an outstanding individual who, like many at Marcus Oldham, did not come from a traditional academic background.

It makes us particularly proud that Andrew is an internal appointment. It is impressive that after an extensive global search and after subjecting the final candidates to four different rounds of formal interviews plus independent psychometric and intelligence tests, the best candidate was from within. This has many obvious advantages and materially less risk than an outside appointment, but more importantly, ensures Marcus Oldham’s unique entrepreneurial and learning culture will live on.

On behalf of the College Council, staff, alumni, and the greater Marcus Oldham community, it is appropriate at this time, to congratulate Andrew Baker on his appointment and to wish him well.

For more information about the appointment and other changes at the College, please see the following letter from the College Council here.

Marcus Oldham College's Sixth Principal