Practice Aptitude Test Download

To download the practice aptitude test, please complete the form below and a link to download it will be emailed to you.

This test is designed to assess general maths skills and does not include advanced mathematics.

We recommend aiming for at least 20 correct answers. If you score below this, you may benefit from some revision before applying for a spot in our programs.

When taking the real test, you will only have access to a calculator.

The answers for this practice test can be found on the final page of the document.

Please ensure you use a personal email address and not a school/work email. The practice aptitude test will be sent to this email address.
We collect information about your planned course and study year solely to help us benchmark engagement with the practice test. This has no impact on your application and is used only to improve our support for future applicants.
Which course are you looking to apply for?(Required)
What year do you plan to attend Marcus Oldham?(Required)