Student Obligations

Student Obligations – Bachelor of Business (Agribusiness) and Bachelor of Business (Agriculture)

It is understood and agreed that a student, upon enrolment for a course, incurs the following obligations:

  1.  Prior to enrolment in the course of study to undertake and complete in a manner satisfactory to the College, full time employment in the rural or other industry for a minimum of twelve months.
  2. To pay by the due date of each invoice raised, in advance of each academic trimester, such fees and contributions in connection with the course, as are from time to time fixed by the Council of the College.
  3. To observe the regulations from time to time made for the conduct of the College and to obey the directions of the Principal in matters of discipline. In the event of any breach of this provision by a student, the Principal shall have the right to suspend the student for such period as he/she shall in his/her discretion consider appropriate.
  4. In the event of withdrawal or suspension from any academic trimester, whether voluntarily or as a result of disciplinary action, or for any other reason, to pay the balance of the fees payable with respect to such trimester, less any amount paid on account and to forfeit to the College the entry fee already paid or such lesser amount as the College may determine.
  5. In the event of any amount payable for any academic trimester remaining outstanding, the Principal shall have an absolute discretion to refuse promotion to a later academic trimester.
  6. In the event that any amount is due an unpaid by a student at the time that he or she would otherwise be entitled to graduate and receive his or her diploma/certificate, the student shall not be permitted to graduate and the College will not grant the student a diploma/certificate.
  7. To accept termination in the course by the College if the student fails to attain a standard satisfactory to the College.
  8. To accept alteration of the course at any time at the discretion of the Principal.
  9. To produce a certificate of health, as required.
  10. In the event that any amount payable under paragraph (d) or (f) shall not have been paid within fourteen (14) days from the due date for payment, the student shall pay to the College interest on the amount outstanding from time to time at a rate being three percent greater than the prime rate from time to time charged by the ANZ Banking Group Limited, calculated daily from that time. The Principal shall have absolute discretion to waive payment of interest as he/she shall see fit. A notice issued by the Deputy Principal or the Principal of the College as to the interest payable shall be prima facie evidence that interest of that amount is payable.

I understand that the information collected on this form is to enable Marcus Oldham College to assess my application, create a record on its student records system, undertake statistical analysis and meet statutory reporting requirements. This information will be accessed by Marcus Oldham staff strictly for these purposes and disclosed to State and Australian Government agencies where required by law and the Fund Manager of the ESOS Assurance Fund as required under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code 2007 of that Act.


Student Obligations – Diploma of Equine Management

It is understood and agreed that a student, upon enrolment for a course, incurs the following obligations:

  1. If required, to undertake and complete in a manner satisfactory to the College, additional practical experience in the horse, rural or other industry approved by the College.
  2. To pay by the due date of each invoice raised, in advance of each academic trimester, such fees and contributions in connection with the course, as are from time to time fixed by the Council of the College.
  3. To observe the regulations from time to time made for the conduct of the College and to obey the directions of the Principal in matters of discipline. In the event of any breach of this provision by a student, the Principal shall have the right to suspend the student for such period as he/she shall in his/her discretion consider appropriate.
  4. In the event of withdrawal or suspension from any academic trimester, whether voluntarily or as a result of disciplinary action, or for any other reason, to pay the balance of the fees payable with respect to such trimester, less any amount paid on account and to forfeit to the College the entry fee already paid or such lesser amount as the College may determine.
  5. In the event of any amount payable for any academic trimester remaining outstanding, the Principal shall have an absolute discretion to refuse promotion to a later academic trimester.
  6. In the event that any amount is due an unpaid by a student at the time that he or she would otherwise be entitled to graduate and receive his or her diploma/certificate, the student shall not be permitted to graduate and the College will not grant the student a diploma/certificate.
  7. To accept termination in the course by the College if the student fails to attain a standard satisfactory to the College.
  8. To accept alteration of the course at any time at the discretion of the Principal.
  9. To produce a certificate of health, as required.
  10. In the event that any amount payable under paragraph (d) or (f) shall not have been paid within fourteen (14) days from the due date for payment, the student shall pay to the College interest on the amount outstanding from time to time at a rate being three percent greater than the prime rate from time to time charged by the ANZ Banking Group Limited, calculated daily from that time. The Principal shall have absolute discretion to waive payment of interest as he/she shall see fit. A notice issued by the Deputy Principal or the Principal of the College as to the interest payable shall be prima facie evidence that interest of that amount is payable.

I understand that the information collected on this form is to enable Marcus Oldham College to assess my application, create a record on its student records system, undertake statistical analysis and meet statutory reporting requirements. This information will be accessed by Marcus Oldham staff strictly for these purposes and disclosed to State and Australian Government agencies where required by law and the Fund Manager of the ESOS Assurance Fund as required under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code 2007 of that Act.