
45-bed student accommodation building

Student Accommodation Building Program 

As a residential college, the opportunity to live and learn together is what makes Marcus Oldham unique. Study companions, life-long friendships and future business connections are often formed in residence. 

We are currently experiencing incredibly strong demand for the places at Marcus. As student numbers have increased, the College has been forced to source accommodation alternatives off site due to the limited number of bedrooms available on campus.  

Students come from every state and territory of Australia and internationally to live and learn at Marcus. With more than 70% of students originating from outside Victoria, it is a truly national college, contributing to equine and agriculture industries right across Australia. 

The ratio of 40% female students is in line with the agriculture and agribusiness industries, where women are increasingly choosing to build successful careers. 

These students choose our College to experience the complete ‘Marcus Experience’  – to live and learn on campus. 

To meet the strong demand for a place at Marcus Oldham, a new accommodation building housing 30 additional bedrooms was opened in 2022. The Baillieu Wing increased our capacity to accommodate up to 150 students on campus. 

The next stage in the student accommodation program is a 45-bed wing. This building has been designed and costed at $10million. It will be 3-stories high and built in the heart of the college. The location aligns with the Marcus philosophy of keeping everything within easy, undercover, walking distance to encourage student interaction and learning.   

Marcus Oldham College does not receive State or Commonwealth Government funding and is proud that its impressive capital developments have been funded through the generosity of its community and supporters. 

Marcus Oldham College is a registered charity. Tax deductible gifts can be made to the Marcus Oldham Foundation. You can make a one-off donation or a pledge with annual payments.  

 “Marcus Oldham produces the best Agriculture, Agribusiness and Equine graduates in Australia. Industry tells us they are the best graduates in the country, and the graduates themselves say they have the best learning experience from Marcus Oldham.” 

Andrew Baker 


Donate Now

For more information on how you can be involved in the Student Residential Expansion Program, opportunities for our major donors, such as naming rights or to take a tour of the College, please contact Elizabeth Gubbins. 

Hear from our students about how much they value their “Marcus Experience”, and the investment in their learning and living facilities. 
