
Available to applicants enrolled or intending to enrol in Year 1 of the Bachelor of Business (Agriculture) Program.

Closing date 29 July 2024 (5pm AEST)
Interview date Week beginning 2 September 2024
Supported By

Dalara Pastoral is a diversified agricultural business with operations at Blackville on the Liverpool Plains, Denman in the Upper Hunter Valley and Walcha in the southern portion of the New England Tableland.

Commercial Angus herds are run at Blackville and Walcha.  These herds supply the Denman fattening operation with steers and cull heifers for sale to feedlots and processors.  In addition, sheep are bred for fine wool and meat on the Walcha property.

A broadacre cropping operation at Blackville produces durum wheat, chickpeas, sorghum and cotton using contemporary no-till, controlled traffic farming methods.

To learn more about Dalara Pastoral, please click here.

  1. What strategies and measures would you implement to effectively mitigate the impacts of drought on your mixed farming property and ensure its resilience?
  2. What are your career goals and aspirations?
How to Apply