Closing date 10 March 2025
Interview date Week beginning 17 March 2025
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The Victorian Limestone Producers Association (VLPA) was set up over 35 years ago to liaise with government departments and other key stakeholders across a variety of issues that impact the agricultural sector, in particular soil health and acidity. The VLPA has advocated on behalf of the agricultural sector, and its members, on a wide variety of environmental and legislative issues. The VLPA meets with, and actively engages with the Australian Fertilisers Services Association, (AFSA) and other relevant peak bodies. The association reports regularly to its wide membership base on all matters impacting the industry, including issues relating to any new acid soil research, and any issue that may impact on the safe operations of limestone production. The association maintains an online presence with its website that provides access to the agricultural community, a ready reference on limestone sites, and product information.


What economic impact is soil health degradation having on agricultural productivity?

How to Apply