Enhanced Teaching and Learning Support for Online Studies

Here is a reminder of the teaching and learning support already available from the College to help support you with your studies.

These supports have now been adjusted and enhanced to provide assistance for your study at a distance due to COVID-19.

Library Services
Whilst the building may be closed, Library services are still available to all students.

Check the Library catalogue for access to electronic resources such as newspapers, magazines, eBooks, electronic reports and websites. Need something from the physical collection? Lisa can scan and email, or post material to you.

Hot Topics is still being produced, keeping you up to date with recently released publications, websites and electronic resources, including videos and podcasts. The release dates for future issues will vary as the quantity of new material being released has reduced noticeably during Covid-19.

Although you may be off campus, Lisa is still available to assist you with any research queries you may have. Contact can be made via phone or email and Zoom sessions can be easily arranged.

Academic Writing Support
1. Library and Writing Guides
For those who forgot to take them home, electronic copies of the Referencing, Writing and Library guides are available on both the D2L and Library catalogue homepages.
2. Librarian’s Academic Support Service
Lisa is available to assist with any questions you may have on assignment layout and structure. Once the first draft of your assignment is written, Lisa can also assist with proofreading and answering any referencing questions you may have. Contact can be made via phone or email and Zoom sessions can be easily arranged.
 3. Studiosity 24/7 online academic and writing support service The 10 visit  limit for Studiosity services per trimester has been removed until students return to campus.  Access Studiosity as often as you need, via D2L links on the homepage and in each unit.  You are encouraged to use:

  • Studiosity’s Connect Live 24/7 chat function to check your comprehension of ideas discussed in lectures, ask questions about referencing or writing support etc. No question big or small is out of frame.
  • Studiosity’s Writing Feedback Service —allow 12-24 hours turnaround for this service.  Upload drafts of assignments for feedback on writing structure and general information to improve your assignment (it is recommended to use Studiosity first and bring the feedback to sessions with Lisa, who will have a deeper knowledge of the agriculture/agribusiness/equine management content—so best to use Lisa for these more specific insights.