
News & Events

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Foundation News
Foundation Chairman’s Address
07 Dec 20

Philanthropy starts with a passion

Click here to hear the Foundation Chairman’s Address

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News, Foundation News
Marcus raises the bar
05 Dec 20

I am delighted to announce that the Douglas Boyd Learning Centre was officially opened on Thursday 27 February of this year.

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events, Foundation Event, News
Marcus Oldham Golf Day 2020
02 Apr 20


Like most of 2020, this year’s Foundation Golf Day will be one to remember.  Not only did we welcome new event sponsors RB Sellars into the fold but we secured a full house of playing teams in record time.

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News, Foundation News
2020 Opens the doors to a new learning experience
05 Mar 20

Students of 2020 are about to embark on a new style of learning.  With extraordinary technological capabilities and instant world wide connection, Marcus Oldham has re-established itself as a world leader in agricultural & equine education.

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News, Foundation News
The new Learning Centre is almost here!
01 Nov 19

After more than 5 years on the planning table, 3 years of fundraising and 18 months in construction, the new Learning Centre at Marcus Oldham will open in 2020.

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News, Foundation News, scholarships
Dairy Farm Managers Scholarships launched
19 Sep 19

Marcus Oldham College and Dairy Australia have launched a new learning program to support the development of business management capabilities in Australian dairy farming.

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