15 June 2023

Welcome to the first Marcus Oldham Community update for 2023.

As we move into the start of the second Trimester, our students have settled in well. On March 6th, they embarked on their first study tour for 2023. These tours are a critical component of our course curriculum, providing invaluable exposure to real-life situations and businesses. This exposure serves as a vital tool for validating and extending classroom learning, enabling students to learn from others and gain hands-on experience with diverse businesses. Furthermore, study tours offer an excellent opportunity for students to build strong bonds with each other and with the lecturing team.

We are very pleased (and the current students are relieved and delighted) to advise that Danny Thomas of LAWD real estate and valuers and his wife Kate, have made our final year Agribusiness and Agriculture trips to the USA possible with a sizeable donation. On behalf of Marcus Oldham, we would like to thank Danny and Kate for their generosity as the tour would not be possible without them.

We are thrilled to announce a new development in our Equine Management program: approval to extend our Diploma program to an Advanced Diploma. This expansion adds four extra units in the final trimester, aligning our Equine Program with the accelerated structure of our Agricultural and Agribusiness Programs and admission process. This integration offers numerous benefits, including the opportunity for Equine Program students to articulate into the second year of Degree Programs.

Marcus Oldham participates in government surveys which compare all Australian Higher Education institutions. In the Student Experience Survey conducted in 2022, 99.1% of our students rated their overall experience as being positive. We have also topped the country again for graduates in the full-time employment with 100% of our recent graduates being in full time employment in 2022.

In the upcoming year, the College and I plan to visit regional and rural areas of Australia to further engage with both alumni and industry further. I look forward to hopefully meeting you in person, catching up and providing updates on the latest developments at the College.

I hope you enjoy the short collection of good news stories below and welcome your feedback.

Andrew Baker


In this issue