Set for Success - The Family Farm Series

A big reason for putting the AgTalk podcast series together in the first place was to discuss the business of farming with some of Australia’s leading farm operators.

Making a buck in farming isn’t easy. However, over my professional career I have been lucky to work with some very successful farming businesses from whom I have learnt a lot.

I believe a common denominator of successful operators has nothing to do with what industry they are in, but how they think.

In my experience most of them have a very strong strategic understanding of the business, a strong focus on productivity and profitability and an innate ability to understand the risk return trade offs of the decisions they make.

Of the farmers we have talked to, two, in particular struck a real chord with our audience. They were Brendon Smart from Smart Farming Group and Nigel Kerin from Kerin Poll.

So we have decided to bundle them up together and rereleased them as a series for you to enjoy over the summer.

Set for Success – The Family Farm Series

AgTalk S1E7 – Succession Planning Part 3.1 – Smart Group Properties

AgTalk S1E8 – Succession Planning Part 3.2 – Smart Group Properties

AgTalk S2E4 – The business of running a business with Nigel Kerin