Ways to Give

Since 1989, the College Foundation has played an integral role in raising important funds for Marcus Oldham through the provision of student scholarships and bursaries, building developments and academic initiatives. 

The long-term advancement of Marcus Oldham relies solely on the support and generosity of our philanthropic community.   

Marcus Oldham College is a registered charity. Tax deductible gifts can be made to the Marcus Odham Foundation. You can make a one-off donation or a pledge with annual payments.  

Donate Now

If you choose, there are a number of giving options: 

The 2023 Building Campaign – 45-bed student residence 

Marcus Oldham College is raising funds to build a 45-bed student residence to accommodate almost 200 students who study Agribusiness, Agriculture and Equine Business Management on campus. Students come from every state and territory of Australia and internationally.  

 The Student Scholarship & Bursary Program 

A scholarship provides financial assistance towards the tuition or residential fee. Our scholarships are generously sponsored by corporate and philanthropic organisations, friends, and families. Bursaries are made available by the College and individual payment plans of fees may be arranged in certain circumstances. 

 The Marcus Minds Wellbeing Program 

Marcus Minds has been designed to help farmers and rural professionals learn new techniques and skills to deal with the inevitable challenges of farming and agriculture, and in addition, help them realise their full potential as professionals, individuals and community members. 

The Oldham Society Bequest Program 

Bequests are the most effective way of providing benefits for future generations of Marcus Oldham students. Bequests may be a share of an estate, cash, items of personal property or real estate. Anyone who commits to leaving a bequest to the College becomes a member of the Oldham Society. 


Corporate sponsorship plays an important role in supporting the work of the College. Examples include Foundation Golf Day, visiting lecturers, overseas study tours and the Marcus Oldham Centre for Professional Development. Sponsors are provided with a suite of benefits and opportunities to engage with our College community, and all sponsors are acknowledged. 

There are some wonderful ways that you can support the College. If you have any queries or would like to speak further, please contact Elizabeth Gubbins at the College Foundation Office on 03 5247 2918 or via email at foundation@marcusoldham.vic.edu.au. 

100 Reasons Marcus Oldham Matters

Residential Expansion

As a residential college, the opportunity to live and learn together is what makes Marcus Oldham unique. Study companions, life-long friendships and future business connections are often formed in residence.

Learn more